She of the oversized breasts and slow stroke called 'Wifey' and he of the large tool and furniture soiling climaxes called 'hubby' have always been extremely sexually active people. Focusing primarily on the visual eye candy that is the male climax, they decided that it would be fun to act out their fantasies on film. That was 4 years ago. Today, Wifey's world is arguably the largest amateur handsex site in existence.
The over 500 scenes on the site are shot with a combination of first person and 'virtual' third person angles. Scenes involve almost every scenario imaginable, ranging from standard first person handjobs, to some of the most kinky aspects of handsex imaginable. The couple has fulfilled hundreds of member requests over the years, another feature of membership. Movie clips are typically 5-15 minutes in length, and may be downloaded as a single MPEG file. Thousands of high quality pics are also available, as well as a chat area, 'friends' section, request area, cartoons, and more.
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